BLOG 5: Academic Challenges of 2021

 Academic Challenges

The last three years have been harder than I ever thought. I have faced too many personal difficulties, familiar problems and relatives death’s. I would like to keep that in private but I would like to share that I am better and stronger now. 

Due to the pandemic, I postponed my studies at the University in 2020 but this year I had to face “Home learning”, basically online and remote classes.

This new way of learning has been different but not impossible. I consider  myself as a very

responsible and dedicated student since I was at Kindergarten,  this is why I do not think

that this year has been academically challenging for me. I have the ability to adapt to the

circumstances and home learning is one of them.

I think that “Home learning” has more pros than cons. When you study from the commodity

of your home everything is easier. You can wake up 15 minutes before a class and take your

breakfast while having it. Then you finish the morning classes and your mom has your lunch

ready to serve and then continue with your schedule. But family problems can be very

difficult to solve and the home can be very overwhelming to get some concentration.

I liked to spend more time with my siblings. We are more than brothers and sisters now. I hate that I have got an injury in my back because of having to spend hours sitting in front of my computer doing homework.


  1. I agree with you, studying from home has many good things, but the atmosphere does influence your concentration a lot.

  2. At first it was hard getting used to remote classes, but just like you said, it's not impossible adapting to it!

  3. Good entry there! I am really happy you could find the good side among all the current situation. Keep it up!

  4. I agree with you, this new way of learning has been different an difficult, but with dedication we can make things work :)


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