BLOG 6: Postgraduates studies

Postgraduates studies

After finishing my university studies at the faculty of architecture and urbanism.

I would like to do a postgraduate magister related to my career which is design.

I would take the course so I could deepen my knowledge of my personal interests, 

as well as fashion and sustainability. But there are a lot of things to pay attention to,

for example the price, if it is expensive or cheap, or the duration, if it takes weeks

or months, also if there are magisters of what would you like to learn.

My older brother recommended that I must search for people related to those

subjects so I can get recommendations. 

Anyways, some companies offer to cover the costs to improve their personal abilities and capabilities, so the company is benefited. I will look for a chance to 
get a magistership after travelling with my boyfriend. We both planned to travel after I finish my career so we can enjoy our youth until we achieve our thirties. 

Postgraduate studies may be inconvenient when you have to work at the same time,

but anything is possible and I think that if you do something that you are passionate

about, I do not think that it is that hard. However, I will pay attention to my mental health to give the best of me during the postgraduate study.


  1. I know a lot of people how are studying desing, and to be honest, sounds fun!

  2. I think it's great that you want to travel before taking a postgraduate program, i would like do the same!

  3. I think it is great that you want to travel before continuing your studies. -Paloma g

  4. travel an get a PhD is such a great plan, i hope you can make it come true!

  5. The relationship with people who realized postgraduates is the better for the know about this topics.


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