BLOG 3: The Role of Technology in my Life

 Technology and me

When it comes to technology, despite my age, I am not a person who is very connected to technology, but I know the basics to manage some devices. There are so many operating systems, softwares and hardwares that confuses me when it comes to learn something new.

This is why I rather have Apple devices. From my experience, The Apple Company has the most simple Intelligent Operative System, which allows me to understand and learn faster. Also, between Apple devices it is easier to connect them as one and share or complete information, documents or images, principally because of the AirDrop function.

Although I use those devices, I do not like to spend much time using them. However, my favourite device is my iPad, I use it to watch movies or series. But on many occasions, I have got to use it to do homeworks or for emergency editions for an Aunt’s printing company.

Given the pandemic, I have been using technological devices more than I was used to. It is hard for me to be sitting for hours in front of the screen, not only because of my back but also because of my eyes. I had to go to an Ophthalmologist because my eyes are so sensitive that I got to use glasses to prevent the ocular fatigue. 


  1. Yup, being all day in front of the screen can get very tiring T____T

  2. i also use apple, Airdrop and Airplay make everything easier.

  3. I have also had many problems due to virtual life, especially with my eyesight, it is horrible :(


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